Who doesn't want to be perfect? Pretty sure we all do, whether or not we want to admit it. At least we want others to think we come pretty darn close. I've struggled with this for the greater part of my life. Mainly because others' acceptance of me is a pretty big deal to me. As I blog, it will be both therapeutic for me and a creative outlet that I've been desiring for awhile now. This is part of my journey to embracing my imperfections..

Sunday, January 11, 2015


It has been quite a day. Not gonna lie; it's been a rough one. I have a headache to prove it. Why you ask? Ha! I'd sound like such a blubbering idiot if I would just come out and say it. And its far deeper than a mere situation. Human's are complex and women, well, at least this one, came with some hormones on steroids. I'll delve into that deep stuff eventually but not tonight. I will say, having gotten through my emotional storm today, that I see yet again my need to look only to God for approval and acceptance. I give others power over me and that's exactly when Satan sneaks in and attacks me with lies. Lies that are easy to believe when you're already down and discouraged. Are they true? No. Not one. I'm a new creature in Christ. I live in victory now. I have hope and a goal.

Considering this is a new blog after all ( I also have A Mama's Heart blog), I'd say some background is in order. I'm a 27 year old woman, I've been married for almost 7 years and have two of the sweetest blessings, a four year old daughter and 7 mo old son...and another (very unexpected) blessing on the way. Rewind back 10 years and I would have never fathomed I would be here. That this would be my life. It's a life to be proud of and thankful for, no doubt. But when you're responsible for little lives your life is not your own. And.. as the blog title suggests, I've had to really work on embracing all the imperfections. I never realized how much I struggled with OCD until I had children. I still struggle with it, but most days I'm resigned to the fact that while I have small children and no maid, my house will be messy. Messy NOT filthy. There will be toys and throw pillows on the living room floor, dirty dishes in the sink (ok..and around it.) The laundry will never be caught up. Yeah, I said never. As in I give up. And well, stay out of the master closet. Cause my clean clothes will be in a heap on the floor because I come last in this house and I'll just fluff and wear as needed. Is this how I imagined myself as a wife and mom? Hahaha, ummm, no. No way. I always pictured me having it together. Like Martha Stewart meets Mr. Clean. {sigh}.. I'll tell you what my reality is. Loving tiny humans more than I knew a heart could bare. Surrounding my days around their needs, big and small, and shedding tears as I pray over their angelic sleeping faces at night. So, here's what I'm learning. Part of embracing imperfections is letting go of unrealistic expectations. I'll leave you with that, but don't worry, I'll be back soon!

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